Monday, May 31, 2010

Fun Ways to Loose Weight

I want to tell ya about an exercise that will burn lots of calories and you will have an awesome time doing it. It is called Laughing. I am reading this book called, "All is Forgiven, Move on" by Janice Taylor. Janice says that you can burn more calories laughing then several minutes on a rowing machine or an exercise bike. She also recommends this website that sells Cd's of people laughing and the money goes to a teen organization. This organization helps build teen self esteem and stop bulling. Here is the website Gifted Lovable You). So sit down with your family and laugh until you feel like you are going to split. It will be the funniest and most rewarding exercise you can do for yourself. Love all of you and have a great day, from Tanya

1 comment:

Susan said...

I know when I laugh really hard my stomach muscles hurt and so do my cheeck muscles. Guess that's because I was burning calories. Interesting information.