Friday, April 16, 2010

A Funny but true sign

My daughter and I go on this site that you can down load pictures for your cell phones. This morning I was looking up pictures with sayings on them or pictures with signs on them and I ran across this one. Have a great weekend everyone!! From Tanya


Susan said...

Prayer is also the bridge from fear to peace. I've been telling that Devil all morning to leave me alone. He's not getting me down this time. Thanks for encouraging me last night.Look forward to this next lesson.

Nana C said...

So glad we can help each other, to petition, to praise God and to hold each other in prayer very strong together. nana C

Tanya Ross said...

It is so awesome to know the security that we have with God. If it was not for Jesus, we would not even have the bridge to begin with.
Susan, I am so glad that you are keeping Satan at bay. He is such a defeated foe.
Nana, I am glad we can help each other also in prayer.