Wednesday, September 23, 2009


Well, yesterday Jeff took me to see the surgeon who had done the procedure last week. When I left the hospital on Friday, Dr. Grass had told me that when I seen him on Tuesday, he would probably have to open up the wound at the bottom and clean it out from the infection and re staple it. So, yesterday, Jeff and I went to the doctor and he came in and looked at the wound. He started to press on my belly and got gauze and long q tips. After a while and four gaze pieces later, he looked at me and said, wow, that was not what I had expected. He then had the nurse pull out ever other stable and he said it looked good. He did not have to reopen it or re staple. He wants to see me next week, but he is really impressed about how healthy it looks. It is God, he has healed me and I tell ya, I have not felt so good in my life. I am eating well, I get to walk around the block today and I am up cleaning my house. I even got to sleep in my bed last night. I have been sleeping on the over sized chair in our living room. I have been so blessed to have such a wonderful group of people around me. I have talked to my dad every day and my sister every other day. Plus, Jeff's family has been so awesome. I have been healed and now that I look upon the last two years of health problems, I wonder if this was part of God's plan. He needed to rid my body of this infection. I really believe there were lots of signs, right side pain every once in a while, bowl problems, an over sized uterus, etc. I am now healed and I am looking at some different roads to take. I have been praying for guidance and I have seen things different. Thanks for your prayers and I am so glad that I am here to write this to you. ha ha. Love Tanya


Parsley said...

I praise the Lord with you my friend!

l.ann said...

I'm so glad you're feeling so much better! God uses all things for His glory!!! Blessings and prayers!

Susan said...

Tanya, I am so glad to hear you are doing so well. Praise the Lord. He takes care of His children in every situation.

Nana C said...

You go girl! How wonderful to know you are healing well and God is your Father, He is worthy. Yes, your health will continue to improve. Love nana C

Tanya Ross said...

The Lord is it, He is the ultimate healer. Thanks for the comments. Love all of you.