Saturday, January 24, 2009


I actually went to bed fairly early, because I was going to have to pick Jeff up early from work. So, around one in the morning, my eyes pop open and I get up to do my thing. When I came back to bed, I had this overwhelming desire to watch the "Passion for Christ." I thought "what" it is so early in the morning. What is up with that? I laid there for a while and the desire would not let me go back to sleep. So, I got up and place the DVD in the player for a time to cry. I did really well until this part came up. When Pilot asks his wife "If she knows what truth is?" It floored me, I totally forgot that part of the movie and it hit me like a ton of bricks.

When I felt the calling to make a new blog, the one thing that I knew for sure was it needed to be truthful, from the word of God. I wonder, the bible does not talk about Pilot that much, and I have to wonder if he actually went through this? Did he wonder if Jesus was the King of a unknown Kingdom? Who was this man that spoke so boldly, and the turmoil that Pilot was facing against his heart and truth. Truth hurts, it can break you or it can grow you. Did this break Pilot, did this effect him in future times?

I can not even share the moment with you, it was intense and I know from this moment it was God. People we are in the end times, I know it, I feel it. Truth of God's word and faith is all we are going to have. I believe that is what God was trying to tell me this morning. If you do not recognize truth, pray for that discernment, I believe you are going to need it.

John 8:32 "And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."



Indian Lake Papa said...

TRuth needs to be sought - not taken for granted. We need to look hard! Stop by again - been missing you!

Susan said...

I agree Tanya. We are going to need much discernment in these days to come. I believe we also need to stay very close to our Saviour during these times so we don't get swept away by a wolf in sheep's clothing.