Thursday, September 13, 2012

40 days for Life

I am not sure how many people view my blog and frankly I do not do this to get comments. But what I am about to post about is something dear to my heart. Now, I am not here to judge or make anyone feel bad. I am posting this because I believe that this is something that needs to be addressed. On September 26th to November 4th, a group of us here in our small section of our state are going to be fasting and praying for the end of abortion. I hope that if you are not comfortable to stand in front of Planned Parenthood that you will consider fasting and praying.  Here is the website if you would like to check it out,   

See, when I was first approached about this, I was torn.  I do not like to stand in front of businesses and pick it, but after reading Unplanned by Abby Johnson, I changed my mind. Now, I do not want to come across as aggressive or in your face, I want you to know that I am coming at it with love, peace and strength from my Lord. I plan on doing this with love, God's love. That is the only way it should be done, I do not want to cradle the fence anymore. I am doing this on the side I need to be on.  If you are from Red Oak or South West Iowa and you want to do this but you are not sure, please get a hold of me.  I have the book by Abby Johnson, I would love to let you read it.

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